The Rise of Dallas Crime Rates are Keeping Residents on Edge
Dallas is ranked #7 out of #100 on the crime index, meaning that Dallas is safer than only 7% of all other U.S. cities. In fact, the number of violent crimes in Dallas per year skyrockets to 10,441 while property crimes exceed 45,150. If these numbers don’t astound you enough, think about this: your chances of becoming a victim of a violent crime in Dallas is 1 in 129 compared to the 1 in 243 chance you have in any other city in Texas. Although these numbers are evidence enough that Dallas exceeds what one would consider a “safe” city to live in, the unfortunate fact is that crime rates in Dallas are still on the rise. Fortunately, crime prevention officials are stepping up their game to prevent crime from getting any worse, however, this may not be enough to eliminate or significantly reduce the crime rate. Therefore, it is in one’s best interest to proactively find ways to best protect oneself from devastating crime.

While you can’t completely avoid crime, there are ways to go about protecting yourself and your family to increase your chances of being safe. One way of doing this is to first protect the home you dwell in. Installing a home security system is a proven way to help reduce property crime, as well as, violent crime that can be committed in one’s home as a result of a burglary or home invasion. In fact, it is estimated that 1 in 3 homes fall victim to an in-home invasion or burglary when there is no home security system installed, compared to the 1 in 250 homes that have successful burglary invasions with homes that do have a home alarm system. This, therefore, confirms that taking protective measures with home security is one of the best options to ensure a protected and safe home. Because there are so many home alarm companies out there, it is best to learn what different home security systems have to offer and what system does the best job at securing your home.
Curbing Dallas Crimes Rate By Protecting Your Home
Home alarm systems are not all created equal. Therefore, it is essential that you understand what devices provide the most protection and security for your home before buying one for your home. Here are some things to keep in mind before purchasing a home security system:
- Realize that a burglar alarm is NOT the same thing as a home security system. The latter provides much more security and additional benefits, while a burglar alarm merely alerts you and law enforcement that someone has entered your home through the use of sensors on windows and doors. While this may be beneficial to an extent, a home security device offers much more. In addition to alerting you about a home invasion, it will also alert you about environmental dangers, such as fire, carbon monoxide, and flooding.
- Make sure your home security system will operate even if there is a power outage. What good is an alarm system if a power outage disrupts its use? This would put your home in increased risk of invasion without protection. Thankfully, most alarm systems operate even when power is not available in your home. However, just in case, make sure your system will do the same. You don’t want to find out too late that your assumption was wrong.
- In the case of alarms, size can matter. Even if companies try to sell you on an extremely small-sized alarm, which may be fine in the case of an apartment or small home, it is vital that you get an alarm that is customized to your needs. This can mean that the alarm will need to be a little larger in frame so that it can handle a larger amount of information and monitoring.
- Your home alarm system should be affordable. Buyer beware: if you are speaking to different alarm companies and they are constantly trying to pressure you to buy things you don’t need with high-sales tactics, then it’s not a company you want to go with. Please further be advised: “affordable” does NOT mean “free.” Any company offering you a free alarm is actually hiding the cost of the equipment into your monthly bill. Because they rope you in with a 3-5 year contract, you will be stuck paying the outrageously high monthly bill even when you pay off your device (which usually only takes 1 year to do!).
- Find a company that installs your system, monitors it, and demos the system FOR YOU. You don’t need to install a DIY alarm system! Find a company who installs it for you and makes sure it’s working properly for your security. Furthermore, make sure that the company you go with doesn’t sell your alarm monitoring to a 3rd party company after the installation process (surprise! Most do!). You will then be stuck talking to a home monitoring center that handles thousands of other companies with millions of other customers. Not the customer service and protection you were hoping for, huh?

The Best Home Alarm Company to Secure Your Home from the Dallas Crime Rate
After understanding some of the basic necessities that a top-level security system has to offer, you may start to wonder which alarm company will best provide those needs. Because there are so many different home security systems that offer many different types of alarms available, making this decision can oftentimes feel overwhelming.
However, while there are many home alarm companies on the market that will try selling you on their potent and effective security measures, there is only one in Dallas that understands what it truly means to protect one’s home and safety. With over 42 years in business, industry-leading home security company, Smith Thompson Home Security, goes above and beyond to ensure that your home and family are safely protected from property crime. Unlike many of the alarm companies that sell your information to a 3rd party vendor that handles your customer concerns, Smith Thompson Security does all home monitoring in-state. This means that when you call with any questions or issues, you will be answered by someone who knows exactly how to assist you, without having to put you on repeated holds in order to find the answers to your questions. We value your time, safety, and needs. As such, we are upfront and honest about what products will best serve you and your home without trying to upsell you on things you don’t need.

Reach out to a friendly product specialist who can answer any of your questions about installing a security device in your home today. You will have a professional, industry-leading system up and running in your home to protect you and the ones that matter most to you in no time.