Smart Home Solutions that Protect Your Family
As society is continually making great strides toward technological advancement, more and more people are trying to find ways to best automate their home. As such, there is a greater demand by consumers to find “smart home” solutions that can not only make their lives easier but can also help protect them and their family. Because of this, words like “smart home automation” are becoming popular buzzwords when looking to such solutions.
While smart home solutions do make life easier for the user, it is vital that you know what solutions will work to your best benefit before purchasing a certain system or device. The last thing you want to do is to buy the first expensive thing on the market hoping to optimize your life and then find out that it is only causing you more headache and stress with unnecessary breakdowns, outages, or ineffective home protective measures. Therefore, knowing which companies provide premier smart home solutions will help alleviate any potential headaches and ensure your needs are most appropriately met.
What are Smart Home Solutions?
First off, what exactly is a “smart home”? While the answer to this question seems simple and straightforward, the answer inevitably differs depending on the person you ask. However, one commonality to all differing answers is that a “smart home” is supposed to make your life easier. This means that a device, or a number of devices, are meant to automate tasks that are normally handled by humans. This can come through a variety of measures, some built into the integrity of the home or some that are added onto the home later. The big takeaway here: a “smart home” is meant to automate the small things so that you don’t have to do them yourself. On top of that, a smart home is meant to protect you and your belongings. Looking for a device that does just that is essential in reaping all of the benefits a “smart home” has to offer you.

Why Looking for Smart Home Solutions is the “Smart” Thing to Do
Of course everyone wants a “smart home” to make life easier but what are some of the other reasons why having a “smart home” is the “smart” thing to do? Here are some reasons why investing in devices that optimize your life make sense in the long-term:
- Save money on your electricity bill: Have you ever left the house wondering if you forgot to turn off the lights or shut the garage door? Actually, unless you have a superhuman memory, it’s pretty certain you have wondered this at some point or other. Besides possibly feeling fear about leaving your garage door open, you may have been frustrated with repeatedly forgetting to turn off the lights and getting an astronomically large energy bill in the mail. This is one of the primary reasons why many people turn to smart home devices in the first place- they hope to save money on electricity. And fortunately for them, this proves to be one of the many perks gained when investing in smart home devices. In fact, in an effort to “kill two birds with one stone”, you might want to consider how combining the need for saving energy and money with home security could benefit you. Investing in a home security system that can turn off lights, shut your garage door, and control the thermostats will give you both the security and saving money aspect you’ve been looking for.
- Increased protection and security in your home: Once again, we see how coupling a smart home device with a home alarm system can be most advantageous to the user. Being able to view your home while traveling or an alarm to alert you and police that someone is breaking in can scare off the burglar while providing you with a peace of mind that you, your family, and your home are well protected. In fact, with such advances in technology, it’s as easy as simply logging into your camera from your phone and viewing what is going on in and around your home. What a load off your shoulders!
- Safeguard your home: Besides just scaring off home invaders or burglars, your smart home device can alert you if there are other emergencies that need your immediate attention. Think about this: what if your home catches on fire or smoke/carbon monoxide are detected? Before smart home devices were created, if you were away from your home and your home caught on fire, you might not have known until it was too late. However, with a smart home device a signal will be sent immediately to emergency personnel and alert you to the danger if it detects something going wrong inside the home. What great convenience and protection smart technology can now provide you and your family! If anything, a smart home that can also save your life and your home is worth the investment in and of itself.

Finding a Company that has Solutions to Your Smart Home Needs
Because there are so many smart home devices out on the market, it can often feel overwhelming when trying to select the “right” device for your unique home and personal needs. However, because of the added security features, one of the best places to start when trying to create a “smart home” is with a home security device. As such, finding a company that specializes in creating devices utilizing industry-leading technology will best ensure you are getting the most for your money while supplying all your smart home needs. Furthermore, because smart home devices are oftentimes connected to a wifi network, it is vital that you find a company that uses encryption that protects your home from possible hacking. Many companies cut corners on extra security measures and will use unencrypted encryption, which make their customers and homes vulnerable to invasion or privacy breaches.

Smith Thompson Security, on the other hand, takes your privacy and protection extremely seriously. We employ some of the strongest security measures available on the market, even utilizing military-level standards to ensure our customers are exceedingly well-protected. Furthermore, our smart home devices far exceed our competitors in that they provide top-level technology, making our customers’ lives feel easier and safer.
There’s no need to wait in investing in making your home a “smart home”. We are happy to any questions you may have about installing an affordable, high-quality home automation system in your home. With our quick response times and professional technicians that come install the system for you, you can have the smart home of your dreams in no time.