Robbery vs. Burglary: The Difference & How to Best Secure Your Home or Office
Being the victim of a robbery or burglary can be traumatic and may leave a long-lasting impression on you. Both situations are extremely scary and although they share some of the same qualities, they are different in many unique ways.
It’s important to know the difference between the two so that you can react appropriately and prevent a situation like that from happening again in the future.
Robbery vs. Burglary
What is a Robbery?
In order for a crime to be considered a robbery, a violent crime has to have occurred to the victim. As a result, this crime is taken much more seriously. Not only that, but robberies are more likely to be solved by authorities than burglaries are.
In order for a crime to be considered a robbery, it needs to have these characteristics:
- The attempt to take something of value that belongs to someone else
- Property is taken from someone else
- The victim is seriously injured

Believe it or not, but a robbery doesn’t have to be successful in order for it to be considered one. If a perpetrator attempts to take something that isn’t theirs and injures someone in the process, it is still considered a robbery.
A robbery can also occur regardless of what has been taken. Even if the item that is stolen doesn’t have any value to it, it will still be considered an offence.
What is a Burglary?
A burglary is a crime that includes illegally breaking and entering into a private property with the intent to commit a crime. Unlike robberies, a burglary has a low chance of being solved unless something very specific is taken.
For a crime to be considered a burglary it needs to involve:
- Unlawful entry
- Forcible entry
- A felony occurs
- Something is stolen
- Intent to commit a crime must be proven
In order for unlawful entry to occur, the culprit will have to have entered the building without permission. This can also include buildings that are typically open to the public but were closed at the time of entry.
Damage done to property is also considered burglary. For example, a broken window or smashed door as a result of an attempted burglary.
A person does not have to take anything in order for a crime to be considered a burglary. In fact, the simple act of setting foot inside of a building without permission is considered to be a burglary.
Recap: The Difference Between a Robbery vs a Burglary
There are a few differences between both crimes, although the basis is pretty much the same. However, the biggest difference is whether or not the victim in the crime was injured in any way, shape, or form.
Being a victim of either of these crimes should result in contacting the police, however the way emergency personnel respond may be different. As mentioned earlier, a robbery is treated more severely as it typically involves an injured person.
How to Best Protect Yourself from a Robbery vs a Burglary
Crime rates continue to go up, particularly in neighborhoods. If your home doesn’t have a security system installed it is vulnerable to attack. Be sure that your home and the surrounding areas around it are also well-lit to prevent a sneak attack from happening.
If you are a victim of either a burglary or a robbery, be sure to contact the police immediately. The sooner you do, the higher the chances are that they will be able to catch the culprit.
In order to prevent yourself from becoming a victim of robbery or burglary at home, your best bet would be to install a home security system. Security systems are efficient and a great way to make sure you and your home stay safe. The best part about home security systems is that you can manage them from your phone or tablet by downloading an app. From there, you can keep an eye on your cameras, disable or enable the alarms and more.

Another thing you can do is install smart lights in your home so that you have the ability to turn them on or off no matter where you are. Smart lights can also be controlled via your phone app which makes your life much easier. If you are planning on going away on a trip or know what you’ll be away from home for an extended period of time, be sure to set your lights and alarms to a timer so that you don’t forget to turn them on.
An additional protective measure that you should take is to make sure that the network that your security device is on is also secure as this can prevent a home invasion or privacy breach. One of the greatest security and privacy threats a person can have is by having an unencrypted (aka, unsecure), network connection with their security device. Guaranteeing that your network is encrypted will ensure that your home is well protected.
If you live alone, you may also want to consider getting a dog. Although this sounds like an old school approach to staying safe, dogs make great alarm systems and can also scare away any potential burglars. However, understand that dogs are still not as great at protecting your home as a quality home security system can be.
Lastly, make sure that when you are walking alone you are well-aware of your surroundings so that nothing and no one can come and surprise you from behind. Try not to get distracted with your phone or anything else until you get to where you are going as distracted people tend to make good targets for thieves.
Companies that Can Help Keep You Safe from a Robbery or Burglary
If you are looking for a way to keep your home or office safe, be sure to reach out to an industry-leading alarm company in order to stay safe. You’ll be able to have different options in terms of what alarm systems you want to use and whether or not you want to have smart lights installed as well.
With a home security system installed, you can rest assured that you and your family will be safe from all potential dangers and threats. Be sure to contact us with any questions regarding a home security system or any of the other products and services that we offer.