Keep Your Home Safe With Residential Security Tips
It’s no secret that safeguarding your home can lead to a greater sense of safety and well-being for yourself. However, despite the peace-of-mind protecting your home can provide, many people still neglect to take the extra security measures to ensure their belongings are being defended against a possible intrusion. In fact, there are about 2.5 million burglaries that occur per year, with an estimated 67% of those being home break-ins. Furthermore, the majority of the successful break-ins that have occurred have taken place in homes that have not taken extra security measures, like installing a home security system, to best protect their homes. With statistics like this, why are people still hesitant to install alarm systems in their homes to ward off an intruder? Maybe it’s because they fear the expense of installing a home security system or it could be that they are one of the lucky few that actually feel safe in their home and surrounding community without extra security measures. Or maybe, they are wary about privacy intrusions if their system is hacked. Whatever the reason may be, they are all valid and understandable.
However, in order to defend yourself against becoming part of the home break-in statistic, it is essential that you learn what some of the top tips and tricks are in order to best safeguard your home. Furthermore, learning what security companies out there are the most reputable and have industry-leading alarm systems will give you the peace of mind that installing a home security device will best serve you in your safety needs.
Top Ways to Best Protect Your Home with Residential Security
Fortunately, protecting your home doesn’t have to be financially burdensome or hard to do. Some of the best ways to secure your home, in fact, are the easiest and most cost effective. Top ways in which you can start protecting your home, your family, and your belongings include:
- Securing your doors: Sure, this seems common sense enough, however, when is the last time you walked around your home and ensured all doors were locking properly and were up-to-date (meaning, hard for an intruder to pick)? Furthermore, if you are moving into a new home make it your first priority to change the door locks as you have no idea what spare keys may still be circulating around from the previous owners.
- Keeping outside lights on or installing some: Burglars love to hide out when committing a crime. Keeping lights on around your home at night is one of the easiest ways to deter an intruder from carrying through with their crime.

- Eliminating hiding spots around your home: Once again, it goes to say it again: burglars like spots where they can easily hide out so that no one can see them in their crime. Therefore, trimming trees or bushes around your home is one of the best ways to ensure there are few hiding spots for an intruder to secretly enter your home. Furthermore, make sure there are no ladders or stools laying around outside that could help a burglar enter your home through a window more easily.
- Utilizing home automation techniques: Home automation may not have been a safety measure you were thinking about, but it is a great way to deter criminals from entering your home. Smart home features, like turning on the lights or locking doors, from a remote setting can make it easy to ensure your home is being safeguarded. Even controlling your lights and tv from a remote setting can give off the illusion that someone is home, even when you are not. If a burglar thinks you’re home, the chances of them trying to intrude are slim.
- Installing a home security system: This is a surefire way to ensure your home is being best protected against an intrusion. Home security devices are the number one reason why burglars can’t follow through with a successful burglary, especially when the homeowner is appropriately using the device (turning on alarm settings when leaving the home or turning it on before going to bed, etc.). Additionally, putting a sign in the front yard that shows you have a home security company installed in your home will help deter criminals from trying to break-in your home.
While this is not an all-inclusive list on how to best protect your home, they are some of the top ways to ensure your home is being well defended against a possible intrusion. Taking some of these proactive measures will help give you the peace-of-mind you deserve when inhabiting your home.
Industry-Leading Companies That Provide Residential Security
As previously mentioned, installing a home security system is the most effective way to protect your home, family, and belongings. However, before you go running out and buying just any old security system to protect your home, it is essential that you understand that no two security companies are created equal. As such, in order to ensure the security system you install will best benefit your safety needs, it is vital that you find a company that truly understands what it takes to keep your home safe. Look for a company that has been in industry for decades, has a good reputation, monitors your account through their own company means, and has industry-leading security devices. What most people don’t realize when signing up for a security device is that the company oftentimes sells your account to a third party vendor who will handle your questions after the device is installed. Therefore, you will want to ask the security company if they monitor your device through in-house representatives or a third-party vendor.

Furthermore, devices that get hacked typically have an unencrypted network connection that allows a hacker to easily override the system and intrude on your privacy. As such, finding a company that professionally installs your device and provides military-grade encryption will ensure your safety and privacy are being well protected at all times.
If you are looking for the most affordable, industry-leading security system from a company that has been leading the security sector for decades, look no further. You are only one call away from the peace of mind you and your family deserve from having a home well protected and monitored day in and day out.