Do You Need to Secure Your Office?: Benefits of Office Security
All too often businesses, both large and small, fall prey to vandalism and theft. In fact, small businesses across the U.S. are subject to employee theft, costing businesses around $50 billion every year. In order to start mitigating the devastating blow that comes from such crimes it is important that business owners take proactive measures to ensure their office and belongings are well protected at all times. Installing an office security system, which includes surveillance cameras and burglar alarms, can provide the peace of mind that a business owner needs when leaving their office at the end of the day.
Benefits of Office Security
Obviously installing a security system in your office can help to ensure your office is well secured and monitored even when you are away. However, you may still wonder if installing a security system in your office is really worth it. Therefore, in order to alleviate any concerns you may have regarding this matter, it may be beneficial to take a look at some of the benefits that office security can offer you. Some of these benefits include:
- Proof of theft/vandalism: If your office is left unattended and unsecured upon leaving, you are at a much higher risk of your property becoming a victim to crime. Having a security camera installed in your premises can help catch the criminal in the act and can allow the police to find the burglar before he/she has a chance to commit further crime. Furthermore, this footage can be useful when reporting a crime to your insurance company.
- Monitoring employees: Losing money from business doesn’t always have to do with an outsider coming in and stealing property. In fact, employee theft is one of the most costly and widespread issues that business owners face today. This could come from ways that are more obvious, like stealing property, or through more subtle ways, like time theft, which is a crime committed when an employee uses company time to conduct personal matters. Having a security camera monitor this employee time can help ensure your employees are performing their duties, therefore, helping your business to make more money in the end. One important thing to note about installing cameras in your office, however, is that you need to notify all employees of the security cameras that are being installed. If you do not make your employees aware of this monitoring system you may be subject to a lawsuit, especially if something happens on the premises and the employee was unaware of the camera system in the office settings.

- Monitoring numerous locations from one device: If you own multiple offices, you may find it useful to install security cameras in each location so that you can check on the premises easily and effortlessly through the click of a button on your smartphone device. This feature can also save you time and money as it does not require you to drive to each separate location in order to ensure things are operating smoothly.
- Deterring criminals from entering your premises: Many criminals are skilled at knowing if an office is being monitored or if it’s left up for grabs. As such, just the mere act of installing a security camera system can deter a burglar from entering your office property.
- Reducing the cost of your insurance: Many times when you install a security system in your office settings your insurance company will provide you with a discount on your premium. Because insurance companies want less liability risks, they often encourage both business owners and homeowners alike to invest in quality security systems on their premises. Utilizing this discount can help save you a lot of money in the long run.
- Providing you with peace of mind: One of the greatest and most invaluable benefits of installing a security system in your office is that it can provide you with peace of mind that all of your hard work is being safely kept and monitored by professionals 24/7. This benefit alone is worthy enough to install a security system immediately.
How to Find the Best Office Security Company
As you are probably fully aware by now, installing a security system in your office is extremely beneficial for your business in numerous ways. However, although you are now knowledgeable about the benefits of installing such a system, you may feel overwhelmed with trying to find the best company and devices to install in your office. As such, having recommendations on how to find the best security company to work with may prove to be helpful for you. Some things to be on the lookout for when searching for the perfect security company to monitor your office include:
- Finding a company that monitors your office premises through their own company means: What many people don’t realize when signing up for a security system is that many security companies will outsource their monitoring through a large third party company after the installation process is complete. As such, when you go to call about a question you are directed to someone who not only handles your questions but the questions of thousands of other customers from a wide variety of security companies. As such, ensure that the company you go with does not outsource your account and handles all of your questions directly.

- Ensuring your network connection is up to par: One of the greatest risks security devices face is an unencrypted connection to the network. Unencrypted connection is extremely vulnerable to hacking which then opens up the possibility of your office being intruded upon more easily and effortlessly. Therefore, go with a company that guarantees their connection standards are of military-grade encryption. This will ensure your office is being well protected at all times of the day.
- Looking for a company that has the experience to back up their work: While it may seem obvious that sometimes companies that have been around longer know more about the business and how to produce a solid, quality product and service, the truth is that it is oftentimes overlooked by consumers when looking for a company to work with. Most people want what will cost them less instead. The fortunate reality is that you can have both without sacrificing your level of comfort and safety. In fact, there are a few select security companies on the market that provide industry-leading security solutions with minimal cost to the consumer.
If you are looking to upgrade your office security and, thus, your peace of mind, the time to act is now. No longer do you need to sacrifice your comfort and safety for fear of installing a faulty or useless security system. There is one security company on the market that rises above all of your security needs and more. Reach out and be on the way to a more tranquil, more secure future starting today.